SIGNED magazine #29

Jon Beck of the cultural scanning and printing initiative Scan the World (STW) is dedicated to foster the democratisation of art across museums and cultural institutions. By making its scanning and 3D printing technology available to the public, the online platform of STW has attracted a huge following and has become a sizeable 3D printing archive that extends the creative life of cultural heritage. STW is now an archive with more than 25,000 scanned artefacts uploaded as 3D printable files, and an average of 10,000 downloads a day. While some people are happy just to have a realistic reproduction of a famous artefact in their home, many others use the material as a canvas to build upon. Experimental printing and modifying of artefacts, or rendering objects into video games and virtual environments, are just some of the possible artistic endeavours. The work of STW is a glimpse into what a possible future for culture creation, preservation and recreation could look like. Beck reckons that attaching artefacts to stories gives them provenance, connection, and greater meaning than simply who possesses an artefact at a specific point in time. To conserve and innovate, culture must be integrated with the elements of the new era, through which traditions are given contemporary significance. In turn, such modern interpretation would propel cultural innovation, creating more room for cultural development and providing the foundation and momentum for evolving into a new culture for the new times. 作為文化精髓所在,不同形式的藝術集物質和精神價值於一身,凝聚了創意和技藝,以及創作者 獨特的理念和哲思,既反映了當下時代精神,也是源自傳統文化的產物,開啟未來的風尚。這期 我們特別以更貼近生活的應用藝術作切入點,看看一些傳統藝術文化如何得到傳承與創新。 建築師李漢樑(Herman Lee) 是"L'impression du temps"「時間的印記」工作室創辦人,他 對中國數千年禮服文化傳統情有獨鍾,在深入研究後,以其精通的電腦編程及演算法技術,與傳 統服裝藝匠樂思手工製 Handmade by Royce合作,重新創造了一系列推陳出新的古代禮服; 在文化的承傳與創新上, Herman Lee 無疑是有着個人鮮明的見解。 由文化企業家鄭志剛創立的 K11 Craft & Guild Foundation(KCG)致力傳承與復興即將失傳的 中國傳統工藝,建立工藝文化生態圈,為社會創造共享價值。KCG贊助一系列傳統工藝,既有中 式元素亦包容西方演繹,讓傳統工藝融入當代的生活而擁有新的生命。作為KCG贊助項目之一 的廣彩,亦通過各種嶄新的創作、營運和推廣方式,為大家展現了中國傳統工藝走向世界和走向 未來的一個鮮活案例。 由廣告界前輩紀文鳳創辦的香港天籟敦煌樂團,其音樂創作是以敦煌壁畫為主題,進一步演繹壁 畫藝術和音樂文化。樂團致力通過敦煌古樂演繹及全方位教育課程,弘揚敦煌文化和藝術、培育 人才,普及中樂,以創新方式發揮立竿見影的作用,吸引香港市民尤其年青一代對中華文化的興 趣及深入理解,將教育和保護中國世界文化遺產的訊息在香港開花結果。 Scan the World ( STW ) 的負責人Jon Beck銳意推動文博機構還藝於民,以掃瞄和3D打印為 文化傳承延續新生。STW網站平台公開分享有關掃瞄器和3D打印模型技術,吸引廣大同好參與, 成為頗具規模的3D打印檔案庫。STW現在已收藏了逾25,000件文物的3D打印檔案,每天平均 有1萬次下載。除了把仿真度高的名物複製品造成家居飾物,更多使用者以資料進行實驗性打印, 又或融入電子遊戲和虛擬環境。STW揭示了未來創造、保存和再創造文化的可能性,Beck認為 文物不應只是某個時間、某個人擁有的東西,其生命與故事應該與其他事物聯繫起來。 文化的承傳與創新必須結合當前新時代的元素,讓傳統文化賦予當代的意義、推動文化創新發展; 對傳統文化賦予現代表述,為文化發展開辟出更廣闊的空間,令其成為新時代新文化的基石和動 力。 13