SIGNED magazine #29

24 KCG will continue to host various exhibitions and seminars. It will also make use of digital technologies such as VR, metaverse, 3D scanning, etc. so that everyone can appreciate these cultural assets without being physically there. These work dovetails with KCG's efforts to rejuvenate traditional craftsmanship. Afterall, emerging technology is the tool that can effectively foster the integration of traditional crafts and contemporary art. At the same time, KCG would not overlook multi-channel propagation through online and offline channels. It will continue to take part in and organise exhibitions, or showcase artefacts in its own galleries, so as to share its work on conserving and reviving traditional Chinese crafts with the world. Mo said, "KCG and its collaborators are always attempting to popularise traditional Chinese crafts through different means. We have progressed with time, and we hope to extend the power of contemporary aesthetics such that the culture of Chinese crafts can once again become a mega trend. After a few years of industrious work in Hong Kong and Mainland China, we hope to bring these crafts to overseas locations. Our grand plan for 2023 is to organise exhibitions in Paris and conduct serious cultural exchange to demonstrate the confidence and pride of Chinese culture. This will be an important milestone for KCG as much as it is for external exchange of Chinese culture. While we do not have further details to share at the moment, our biggest goal is to truly illustrate the glamour of the revived traditional Chinese craftsmanship in an art and culture hub like Paris. We hope to give a fresh spin to the message of 'Chinese is Cool'." 作為KCG創會董事,莫翠瑜女士表示:「我 們以『Chinese is Cool』作為整體方向, 其落點可以是傳統文化,也可以是新生 代的設計和創意,以至時裝或建築,甚至近年十 分流行的說唱音樂,它們既有中式元素亦包容西 方演繹,讓傳統工藝融入當代的生活而擁有新的 生命。我們揀選的工藝,貴精而不貴多,現在已 增至八個項目,包括;廣彩、百寶嵌、螺鈿、描金、 灰塑、木建築、緙絲、紅樓夢,都是對世界文化 藝術有著深遠影響的中國傳統工藝。」 KCG基金會以致力傳承與復興即將失傳的中國 傳統工藝,建立工藝文化生態圈,為社會創造共 享價值。其關注工藝項目首先登場的是廣彩。廣 1 2 3 1. Guangcai fruit bowl decorated with a picture of a fisherman, a farmer, a woodcutter, and a scholar 廣彩縷空漁耕樵讀果盤 2. The Shanghai edition of K11's Voyage de SavoirFaire 《K11 工藝臣卜遊 Voyage de Savoir-Faire》上海站現場照 片 3. Guangcai master and representative bearer of a national intangible cultural heritage Tam Kwong-Fai demonstrated Guangcai skills at K11 MUSEA 廣彩大師暨國家級非物質文 化遺產代表性傳承人譚廣輝 師傅親臨K11 MUSEA 現場作 示範 4. Guangcai soup tureen decorated with the flourishing melon pattern 廣彩瓜瓞綿綿湯盆