SIGNED magazine #29

"Hylozoism" – the doctrine that all matter has life – is an unlikely head word to be seen on an exhibition poster. It does trigger the curiosity of passers-by to find out what it is all about. 「Hylozoism」(中譯:「萬物有靈論」)一詞並非展覽海報上的常客,不難想 像它能引起路人探個究竟的興趣。 萬物有靈: 藝術與科技共生展 "Hylozoism: An Arts & Technology Exhibition" is a landmark exhibition of media art that depicts the new ecology co-created by humans and machines. According to co-curator Joel Kwong, the idea that all things in the world possess a distinct spiritual essence invites us to look at matters with new lens. At the master lecture held at the launch of the exhibition, she shared interesting works from the past few years that inspired her to take a deeper look into a "neo-nature" inhabited by ubiquitous technologies, and how it intertwines with human lives through arts. Keith Lam, co-curator and commissioned artist of this exhibition, showed this intricate relationship through his "TTTV Garden". Lam's work mimics the spectrum of LED lights used in indoor vertical farming. Through learning and analysing the motions and the colour spectrum of the 24hour news, the computer simulation transmits and televises such data on the overhead screen in "TTTV Garden", making it the "sky" that not only feeds information to the public, but also provides lights for the plants in the environment. 37 All five installations in this exhibition discuss a topic related to nature – not Mother Nature as we know it, but a neo nature under the intervention of technology. "F10ra 0" (pronounced as "flora-zero" ), for example, imagines how artificial intelligence interprets the interplay of existence and essence. "The installation is backed by in-depth research on the Bauhinia x Blakeana Dunn, the first Bauhinia tree discovered in Hong Kong," shared Ellen Pau at an open forum hosted for the exhibition. By converting the DNA file of the species into sound, Pau hopes to connect viewers to the genome study on the city flower of Hong Kong. Matters in the neo nature may be tangible like the plants explored in the works of Lam and Pau, or they can be intangible like the electromagnetic waves emitted by the mobile devices that we carry everywhere. "Sensing Streams 2022 – invisible, inaudible" is an installation equipped with an antenna to collect real-time electromagnetic waves and then encodes the data through a selfluminous, high-definition screen and speakers. "TTTV Garden" by Keith Lam. A pop-up garden inspired by the father of video art, Nam June Paik's "TV Garden". The interaction between virtuality and reality provides a two-way stimulation to lives, resulting in a mutually inclusive loop. "TTTV Garden" also streams real-time on social media, inviting viewers to witness every moment of its growth while pondering the conflicts and possibilities derived from the indivisibility of nature and technologies. 林欣傑:《天屏地園》作品靈感來 自國際錄像之父白南準的《電視花 園》。