SIGNED magazine #29

41 A Master Lecture and a Wellbeing Design Projects Sharing Session were also held to stimulate creative thoughts and encourage aspiring designers to further develop products, services, interventions, and speculative projects to support human flourishing. Highlight exhibits and the session can be revisited here. 為啟發年輕設師發揮創意,展覽特 別舉辦了大師班分享會及身心健康 設計計劃分享會,鼓勵他們為促進 人類生活發展研發出相關產品及服 務,提出積極措施及發表更多對未 來的展望計劃。 重溫焦點展品及講座內容,請瀏覽 以下網址。 1. Displayed in the Frugal Design and Sustainability area, "Playponics" is used in schools and communities in India. The system leverages the energy generated by children's playground activities to sustain hydroponic and conventionally grown crops. 「玩樂耕種」是簡樸設計與可持續 性區內的展品,已在印度的學校和 社區應用,將小朋友使用遊樂場設 施時所產生的能量轉化,用於培植 水耕及傳統栽種的農作物。 2. "Journeying Through Dementia" was shown in Life Transitions. It supports individuals at early stages of their dementia by building confidence and encouraging active problem-solving. 「失智之旅」在生命階段的過渡展 區亮相。展品用來支援認知障礙症 的早期患者,幫助他們建立自信, 鼓勵用者積極解決問題。 3. Shown in the Creative Provocation zone, HOSPITAble by Lab4Living director Prof. Paul Chamberlain allows users to learn their weight by sitting on the chair, offering convenient support to increase self-care and a shift of care from hospital to home. 觀眾來到創意的挑戰展區,可 以看到Lab4Living總監Paul Chamberlain教授設計的「家庭 診所──秤稱體重椅」。用家只需 坐在椅上便能自量體重,在逐漸從 醫院轉向家庭的護理中更輕鬆地享 受長壽生活。 超越100: 與Lab4Living一同改造設計, 展望未來 Global aging has kept governments busy to devise practical solutions and respond to changing demands and expectations as people grow older. "Beyond 100" highlights the role of design in improving health and general wellbeing. 全球人口老化,令各國政府忙於制訂實效解決方案,回應暮年歲月的需求與期望。 「超越100」揭示設計在改善人們健康、令生活變得更美好方面所肩負的重任。 In collaboration with Lab4Living, a design-led interdisciplinary research group at Sheffield Hallam University in the UK, HKDI Gallery presented the exhibition "Beyond 100: Transforming Design & Imagining Futures with Lab4Living" in November 2022 to February 2023 to explore what can be done through design to cope with the crises of living to 100 years old and beyond. Hong Kong has always required smarter designs to support 18.9% of its population who is 65 years of age or older. As the city with the longest life expectancy in the world, keeping its citizens healthy while helping those less abled is particularly challenging. The global perspective adopted by "Beyond 100" invited visitors to appreciate the diversity of design approaches that highlight the importance of defining questions not just answers; the value of participatory and collaborative approaches; the need for inclusive and sustainable approaches; and solutions that are culturally and environmentally appropriate. The eclectic approaches, formats and directions undertaken by Lab4Living were demonstrated through five themes. The artefacts revealed the power and potential of design to transform lives, foster positive change and support human flourishing. They also exemplified designers' creative responses and adaptation amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. 香港知專設計學院(HKDI)與英國雪菲 爾哈倫大學屬下的跨領域設計研究團隊 「生活實驗室」(Lab4Living)合作,於 2022年11月在HKDI Design Gallery呈獻 「超越100:與Lab4Living一同改造設計, 展望未來」展覽,探討設計如何適時回 應活過一百歲的危機與挑戰。 香港是全球人均預期壽命最長的城市, 有18.9%人口年滿65歲或以上,所以一 直都需要更人性化的智能設計,應對市 民的健康需要,同時支持能力較弱的人 好好生活。「超越100」為參觀者展現環 球視野,帶來林林種種的多元設計理念, 並強調問題與答案同樣重要,展示參與 和合作的重要價值、人們對共容和永績 方案的需求,以及符合文化及環境要求 的解決方案。 展覽分為五大主題,闡述Lab4Living所 採用的多元研究方法、形式與方向,讓 觀眾感受設計的力量、體會其如何改變 生活,為生活帶來正面影響,推動人類 邁向繁榮的未來。展品並以實例說明設 計師以創意回應新冠疫情,幫助民眾適 應新常態。 2 3