SIGNED magazine #29

49 "Type–11" was a collaborative effort between Keith Tam, graphic designer Mak Kai Hang, psychologist Dr Cheung Sing Hang, with design and production support from HKDI lecturer and Centre for Communication Design researcher Katherine Tse. About the award and its organiser DFA Design for Asia Awards aims to recognise projects in Asia that epitomise design excellence and contribute to the betterment of society and the design industry. It is a stage where design talents and corporations can showcase their design projects internationally. Terence Wong, Head of Department of Digital Media SMPTE Fellowship, Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) Terence has played a significant role in the curriculum development of the Digital Media department, particularly on film, video and music production, 3D animation and visual effects, interactive media and transmedia. The HKDI Media Lab he established in 2017 has demonstrated creative integrated media applications to support the industry's R&D. About the award and its organiser The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers was founded in 1916 and is an internationally recognised society of media professionals, technologists and engineers. The honour is conferred on individuals who have attained an outstanding rank among engineers or executives in media and entertainment through their proficiency and contributions to the motion-picture, television, or related industries. 譚智恒,傳意設計研究中心總監 香港設計中心DFA 亞洲最具影響力設計 獎優異獎 譚氏文字設計師、信息設計師、教育工 作者。現職設計學系系主任暨傳意設計 研究中心總監。譚氏的研究和教學專注 於文字設計和信息設計之間的相互關 係,尤其關注人們如何與複雜文本結構 中找尋資訊並形成印象。2016年獲香港 設計協會頒發「最佳設計教師獎」。 關於獲獎項目 「Type–11」於PMQ元創方的deTour 2021展覽展出。它以一家便利店的形 式出現,探索字體和文字編排在我們 日常生活中如何發揮作用,展現平面 及字體設計師為不同閱讀情況設計時 做決定的面貌。展品邀請參觀者觀察 多種產品的字體與版式選擇,然後透 過填寫問卷為偏好打分。 「Type-11」是文字設計師譚智恒、 平 面設計師麥綮桁,以及心理學家張星 恒博士的聯乘作品,並獲香港知專設 計學院講師與傳意設計研究中心研究 人員謝婉華的設計和製作支持。 關於獎項及主辦機構 DFA 亞洲最具影響力設計獎旨在表彰亞 洲優秀設計項目,貢獻社會和設計行業 的發展。設計領域的人才和企業可以在 這個國際舞臺上展示他們的作品。 林綺妮博士,副院長 ICoD教育獎,國際設計聯合會 (ICoD) 林氏歷任講師、師友導師、設計師、教 育行政及研究人員,透過積極參與院校 的策略規劃及對外協作計劃,在教育與 專業領域為不同持份者帶來啟發、深化 聯繫。林氏從這些計劃累積了豐富的知 識和經驗,與設計的學習新典範、教師 培訓和學院知識中心發展同步前進。 關於獎項及主辦機構 國際設計聯合會總部設於加拿大蒙特里 爾,是一家領先的國際設計機構。ICoD 教育獎於2006年首辦,頒發予ICoD成 員院校的教育家,表揚他們在設計教育 方面的非凡創意和傑出成就。 黃培達,數碼媒體學系系主任 SMPTE院士,電影電視工程師協會 (SMPTE) 黃氏是數碼媒體學系課程發展的靈魂人 物,特別是在電影、視頻與音樂製作、 立體動畫、視覺特效、互動媒體及超媒 體設計方面尤其卓著。他於2017年牽 頭成立了HKDI Media Lab(香港知專 設計學院媒體研究所),旨在展現融合 創新設計和媒體應用,支持業界的研究 與發展。 關於獎項及主辦機構 電影電視工程師協會於1916年成立,是 一家為從事媒體專業人員、科技人員與 工程師而設的國際組織。院士名銜授與 在媒體及娛樂領域擔任工程師或行政高 管人員,表揚他們對電影、電視或相關 業界的優秀技藝和超卓貢獻。 Dr Elita Lam, Vice Principal ICoD Education Award, International Council of Design (ICoD) Elita has played multiple roles as a teacher, mentor, designer, administrator and researcher. She has inspired and connected various stakeholders in education and professional spheres through active participation in various institutional strategic initiatives and collaborative projects. Through the knowledge and experience accumulated from these projects, Elita has evolved with new learning paradigms, teachers' training and the development of knowledge centres for design. About the award and its organiser The International Council of Design is a leading international design organisation headquartered in Montreal, Canada. Created in 2006, the ICoD Education Award is presented to an educator from an ICoD member institution recognising outstanding innovation or achievement in design education.