SIGNED magazine #29

Readership Survey for SIGNED SIGNED讀者意見調查 Dear SIGNED Readers, 親愛的SIGNED讀者: SIGNED debuted in 2011 and over these 10 more years, it has established itself as a magazine that features world-class and outstanding work in HKDI and the creative and design industries. We hope SIGNED continues to be of use and interest to you. It would be very helpful to us if you could fill out this short survey. SIGNED 於 2011 年首次出版,在這十年多的時間裡,一直 為大家介紹香港知專設計學院的傑出作品和國際上出色的創 意和設計題材。 誠邀您填寫這份簡短的問卷,給予我們寶貴的意見,讓我們 做得更好。 Thank you for your time and interest in SIGNED. 謝謝。 HKDI Editorial Board 香港知專設計學院編委會 English Survey 中文問卷