SIGNED magazine #29

7 Lorraine graduated from HKDI with a Higher Diploma in Fashion Design this year. During her teenage years, she was intrigued by painting. The therapeutic activity kept her focused. She found a great sense of achievement in completing her fashion design project. Lorraine believes techniques like pattern-making and traditional handicrafts are the utmost importance in fashion design. She plans to continue her studies overseas and develop a solid foundation and expertise. 張凱甯今年在HKDI 畢業,獲得時裝設計 高級文憑。她自小已很喜歡繪畫的療癒 感覺,創作的過程亦能令她專心一致。 她認為紙樣製作與傳統手藝對時裝設計 仍然非常重要,計劃到外地繼續進修, 為自己的專業設計技術奠定穩固基礎。 Website Lorraine Cheung Hoi Ning 張凱甯 Fashion Designer 時裝設計師 Design Graduates Awardee - CreateSmart Young Design Talent Special Award 2022 設計畢業生得獎人 - 創意智優青年設計才俊特別獎2022 "Slave Liberation" by Theo Chan. This graduation collection expresses social injustice under capitalism. The rich and poor are represented by luxurious craftsmanship and minimal tailoring - subdued colours and bulky silhouettes symbolise the poor, while beading and intricate embellishments show the affluent upper classes. The beading alone took more than 400 hours to complete. 畢業作品「Slave Liberation」,表達了資本主 義社會的不公義。暗淡色調與 臃腫線條象徵貧窮,而精緻珠 飾則代表上流階級的糜爛。 Theo is a recent HKDI graduate who earned his Higher Diploma in Fashion Design and received the HKDI & IVE Student's Union Outstanding Leadership Scholarship. He is particularly fascinated by handicrafts such as beading, embroidery, and hand knits. His handknitted collection "Mysterious Soul" was shortlisted in the 2021 Hong Kong Young Fashion Designers' Contest organised by Hong Kong Trade Development Council. He plans to work in fashion companies in France and Britain to study their surreal aesthetics, exaggerated artistic formats, and innovation in fashion handicrafts. 陳冠合(Theo)剛獲得HKDI 時裝設計高 級文憑,並在2021年贏得HKDI 及香港 專業教育學院(李惠利)學生會傑出領袖 獎學金。他對串珠、刺繡和人手編織等 手工藝特別興趣濃厚,並以全人手針織 系列「Mysterious Soul」入選香港貿易發 展局舉辦的青年時裝設計家創作表演賽 2021,躋身十強。Theo計劃到法國與英 國從事時裝設計,進一步研究外地時裝 潮流的超現實美學、誇張前衛的藝術格 式,以及創新的服飾手藝。 Lorraine Cheung Hoi Ning "Shout with a Whisper" by Lorraine Cheung. Intangible emotions of feeling trapped and panicked are expressed through Shibori - distress and burnout techniques for creating inventive fabric textures. 「Shout with a Whisper」 系列以雪花染加工技術製作 出獨特的布料質感,加上柯 根紗、網布和緞布營造出無 法觸碰的壓抑情緒。 "White Project – Natural Melody" by Lorraine Cheung. The all-white fabrics used were inspired by waves and wind. The beauty of nature is presented in relaxed, wrinkled outfits with a comfortable, soft texture. 「White Project – Natural Melody」是純白色布料系 列,創作靈感來自浪花與海 風,以輕鬆舒適而又質地柔 軟的皺摺衣服呈現大自然的 美感。 Website