SIGNED magazine #31

13 The film and entertainment industries are undergoing epochal transformations. Online streaming, high-definition imagery and artificial intelligence (AI) are not just changing business models, these technologies are also radically altering the design thinking that guides media productions. The Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) graduates, Min Chan and Chak Yun Hei, have been playing crucial roles in this transformation. Chan, an Image Director, designs immersive costumes that help in the element of worldbuilding in productions. Chak, a Director of Innovation and Product Development, develops TV hardware and software tailored to future consumer entertainment modes and broadcasting technologies. Their experiences demonstrate how, despite the flurry of technological changes, their respective roles maintain fundamental continuity, with Chan creating beautiful designs and Chak driving industry development. 影視娛樂產業龐大,除了實體或線上平台、營運 團隊或台前幕後工作人員之外,原來設計思維 亦很大程度上左右著影視娛樂作品質素,甚至能 夠改變整個行業生態體系。香港知專設計學院 (HKDI)畢業生陳巧倩(Min)和翟潤熙(Hei) 分別任職服裝指導和創新產品規劃運營部總監, 前者負責設計戲服造型,通過精心的服裝設計, 讓演員和觀眾投入戲劇世界;後者則專責研發電 視機硬件和軟件,針對未來消費者娛樂模式及播 放技術轉變而開發商機。隨著互聯網、串流播放 平台、高清影像及人工智能(AI)技術的普及, 如何靈活運用設計思維順應影視娛樂產業轉型, 是二人無法避免的共同挑戰。兩人的經驗證明, 設計不僅是美化表象,更是推動產業發展的重要 動力。 Min Chan is a Film Costume Designer and a graduate of the Fashion and Image Design Department at the HKDI. She has worked on numerous films, television series and advertisements, including "In Broad Daylight", "Warriors of Future" and "Shock Wave 2", as well as the series "I SWIM". She was nominated for the "Best Costume Design" award at the 60th Golden Horse Awards for her work on "In Broad Daylight". 現職電影服裝指導,HKDI 時裝 及形象設計學系畢業生,曾參與 電影《白日之下》、《明日戰 記》、《拆彈專家2 》、劇集《I SWIM》等多部電影、劇集及廣告 製作,並憑《白日之下》獲第 60 屆金馬奬提名「最佳造型設計」。 MIN CHAN 陳巧倩 Currently the Director of Innovation and Product Development at TCL Corporate Research (Hong Kong) Company Limited, Chak Yun Hei is a graduate of Architecture, Interior and Product Design Department at the HKDI. He previously worked as a Product Designer at Canon, where he won the Red Dot: Best of the Best Award in 2013 for the "X Mark II Calculator". 現職TCL 工業研究院(香港)有 限公司創新產品規劃運營部總監, HKDI 建築、室內及產品設計學 系畢業生,曾於 Canon 佳能集團 任職產品設計師,在任期間憑 X Mark II計數機贏獲2013年度紅點 最佳設計獎(Red Dot:Best of the Best)。 CHAK YUN HEI 翟潤熙