SIGNED magazine #31

2 Sustainability, technology and contemporary design have become some of key trends shaping the future of global design. One outstanding example of this is Qingshan Village in Hangzhou, which has blended environmental conservation, modern design, Chinese culture and traditions into its urban planning. This initiative not only exemplifies China's innovative capabilities in sustainable development but also its leading position in the design industry, offering both inspiration and valuable reference point for Hong Kong and the rest of the world. 展望全球設計方向的未來,除電子 媒介與人工智能外,可持續發展無 疑是最受關注的焦點主題。當中位 於杭州的「青山村文創孵化園」, 便是其中一個非常優秀的例子,見 證了中國如何以前瞻的眼光,把保 育環境、當代設計、中國文化,及 生活風俗巧妙的融匯成優良的現代 建設規劃,從中可賦予我們中國香 港,以至世界各地作為最佳的借鏡 和參考。它不僅展現了中國在可持 續發展領域的創新能力,也充分彰 顯了中國在設計界的領先地位。 19