SIGNED magazine #31

/ FOREWORD / 前瞻未來,相信香港設計將與人工智能(AI)、 物聯網(IoT)、虛擬及擴增實境 (VR/AR) 等新 興科技進一步融合,為設計帶來完全嶄新的面 貌,過去的不可能將演進成無邊際的可能。同時, 設計師必須要掌握相關的技術才能駕馭未來的發 展。可幸是香港設計界的精英們,正努力不懈學 習新的知識,積極拓展新的發展方向,力求突破 界限,把香港設計帶到國際舞台上。 與此同時,科技與電子媒介的進步,令我們的生 活、文化及意識形態等跟過去產生了戲劇性的轉 變。當中人工智能(AI)以及虛擬製作(virtual production)已成為設計未來的大方向,例如香 港知專設計學院(HKDI)便全力投入 AI 及數碼 設計在教育領域上,其中又與邵氏影城(Shaw Studios)合作,在錄影廠內建立設備完善的虛擬 製作技術教學及拍攝場地,好讓學生們有足夠完 善的現代化配套,學習如何運用先進科技於影視 製作,提升本地虛擬製作水平。 至於可持續發展導向,同樣是未來的大勢所趨, 香港設計界正逐步向環保、節能、升級改造、循 環經濟等可持續發展的方向轉型。成功典範例如 杭州市的青山村積極把新鮮活力注入原生態村 落,在關注公益可持續、藝術設計、傳統手工 藝的傳承與發展外,又建設融設計圖書館 (Rong Design Library),為來至世界各地的設計師提供 一個最優良完善的資料庫。 設計除講求美觀外,實用性也非常重要。今年 的奧運熱潮,讓各運動項目成為討論焦點。同 時由於運動的普及,時尚跟運動的關係可謂密 不可分。那麼如何營造物料、實用性的完美配 合?近年各大品牌均積極研發專利技術及物料, 至今物料發展又到了甚麼樣的階段? 我們將從 運動服的時尚外觀及功能,探討運動服飾古今 中外之沿革。 無論是設計界的前輩精英或後起之秀,我們不斷 努力面對不同的挑戰和機遇,一代又一代地為未 來撒下優良的種子,同時又莫忘香港這塊福地所 賦予我們的文化薰陶。前瞻香港設計的未來,相 信必然是滿載活力和希望的。 Transforming yesterday's impossibilities into tomorrow's reality — that is what the future holds for Hong Kong's design. Of course, to do that, the field of design will have to further integrate with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT) and virtual / augmented reality (VR / AR). To master these technologies, designers must navigate all future developments efficiently. Fortunately, Hong Kong's design elites have diligently been acquiring new knowledge and pushing boundaries to bring Hong Kong's design to the international stage. At the same time, advancements in technology and electronic media have dramatically transformed our way of life, culture and ideology, with AI and virtual production paving the way for the future of design. The Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) is striding ahead in this respect. The institute is fully engaged in AI and digital design education and has collaborated with local film production corporate Shaw Studios to establish a well-equipped virtual production teaching and filming site. This environment provides students with cutting-edge facilities to learn how to apply AI advanced technology in film production. Sustainable development is another major trend for the future. The Hong Kong design community is gradually transitioning towards eco-friendly practices. Mainland China's achievements, such as the Qingshan Village in Hangzhou, offer valuable lessons on how one can blend traditional wisdom with modern innovation to come up with sustainable solutions. This village has infused fresh vitality into the original community while focusing on public welfare, sustainability, art and traditional craftsmanship. The Rong Design Library was also established in this village, offering an excellent resource database for designers worldwide. In design, aesthetics and practicality are equally essential. With the Olympics being held this year, various sports are also on our minds collectively. Modern sports' ubiquity with mainstream design trends makes the relationship between fashion and sports inseparable. How can you create the perfect combination of materials that offer both sleekness and practicality? In recent years, major brands have answered this question by actively developing patented technologies and materials. What stage has material development reached today? Let us explore the evolution of sportswear's fashion and functionality across time and cultures. Both seasoned veterans and emerging design talents constantly face diverse challenges and fresh opportunities. As a result, we must draw on the city's rich cultural heritage, technical advancement and sustainability, which are key to driving innovation. Looking ahead to the future of Hong Kong's design, we believe it is imbued with boundless vitality and hope.