SIGNED magazine #31

自古以來,藝術定義無遠弗界,它不只著眼當下,更放眼未來。早前,香港知專設計 學院(HKDI)邀請到意大利殿堂級建築師Michele De Lucchi親臨演講,並以「The Equation」為主題,分享其創作生涯間的標誌性建築項目,並闡述他對建築與沉浸式 環境藝術裝置融合的願景,探討如何以人文方式於社區和自然建立聯繫。藝術從不囿於 既有框架,而是以開放、創新的姿態,跨越時空界限,引領觀者領略全新的體驗。De Lucchi 的演講正好印證了藝術的無垠可能性,為未來藝術發展指點迷津。 Timeless, ambitious art always transcends the present and points the way to the future. The Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) recently invited renowned Italian architect Michele De Lucchi to deliver a lecture titled "The Equation". In his talk, De Lucchi shared his major architectural works and outlined his vision of integrating architecture with immersive environmental art installations. Central to De Lucchi's vision is a humanistic approach to unite communities with nature. Like all true visionaries, De Lucchi opened minds to the limitless possibilities of art through his talk. TEXT / CHERRY LO PHOTOGRAPHY / AMDL CIRCLE 米凱萊·德·盧奇 築夢未來 Michele De Lucchi BUILDING THE FUTURE / INTERVIEW / 30