SIGNED magazine #31

Since its debut in 2021, IITERNITI has garnered significant attention, with their inaugural single "I'm Real" amassing more than 1.3 million views online. The group has also been featured in a BBC interview discussing the challenges and potential of virtual idols. Last October, they held their first concert, integrating both online and offline elements, further solidifying their status as pioneers in this emerging field. Developing virtual idols involves multiple challenges, including integrating technology, creating intellectual property (IP) and generating lifelike facial synthesis, animation and voice. It is also a delicate balancing act that seeks profitability while maintaining ethical considerations. Effective fan interaction is equally important in developing fully autonomous AI entertainers. Developers believe that AI holds vast potential in the entertainment industry. Virtual idols can achieve more innovative and captivating concepts than humans, breaking cultural and linguistic barriers and enhancing fan engagement. Additionally, virtual idols do not require rest and are not susceptible to negative publicity, enhancing business stability and making them valuable assets in the industry. The arrival of IITERNITI marks the forefront of AI technology in entertainment and opens new chapters for virtual idol development. As technology advances, increasingly creative and ethically sound virtual idols are expected to emerge, bringing fresh experiences to the future of entertainment and popular culture. Stay tuned for the collaboration between the HKDI and IITERNITI. 作為韓國首批 AI 偶像團體,IITERNITI 於 2020 年由「AI 心動挑戰」活動衍生 而成。開發商邀請網民從 101 張虛擬面 孔中,挑選 11 張最喜歡的臉孔組成組合 IITERNITI。活動令娛樂界相關人士開 始將 AI 技術視為強大的創意工具,同時 令本來著重於學術範疇的 AI 研究,引進 到藝術娛樂產業之中。 虛擬偶像的誕生激發人類以新形式表達 藝術,同時為流行文化提供更引人入 勝的替代選擇。IITERNITI 於 2021 年 出道後引起廣泛迴響,出道單曲《I’m Real》在網上突破 130 萬觀看次數。組 合更曾在 BBC 接受採訪,分享了虛擬 偶像的發展議題。去年 10 月更首次舉 行結合線上及線下形式的演唱會。 開發虛擬偶像涉及諸多的技術挑戰,包 括整合技術及創造知識產權 (IP)、創 造生動迫真的面部合成、動畫及聲音, 同時還需要謹慎平衡盈利與道德考量。 此外,如何透過有效的粉絲互動發展 出完全自主的 AI 娛樂演員同樣重要。 開發商認為,人工智能在娛樂產業中 有著廣闊的前景。虛擬偶像可實現比 人類更富創新和吸引力的概念,同時 打破文化及語言隔閡,促進與粉絲的 交流互動。同時,虛擬偶像不需要休 息也不會產生負面新聞,這些優勢能 提高業務的穩定性,使虛擬偶像成為 行業中的重要資產。 IITERNITI 的誕生標誌著人工智能技術 在娛樂產業的前沿應用,為虛擬偶像的 發展開啟了新的篇章。隨著技術日益進 步,相信未來會有更多富有創意、符合 道德的虛擬偶像出現,為流行文化帶來 全新的體驗。大家記得密切留意 HKDI 與 IITERNITI 之間的合作! 37