SIGNED magazine #31

/ EVENT REPORT / The Hong Kong Design Institute’s (HKDI) Emerging Design Talents 2024 is a highly anticipated event that will be held over nearly three months, from June to September, showcasing more than 650 works from graduating students across various disciplines. These fields of study include Architecture, Interior Design and Product Design, Communication Design, Digital Media and Fashion and Image Design. The fashion shows and design performances emphasise how emerging designers are blending technology creatively to bring positive change through a humancentric approach. This collaboration reshapes practices and leverages interdisciplinary teamwork. The Emerging Design Talents 2024 is not only a platform for displaying budding talents but also offers audiences a glimpse into the future of collaboration between design and technology. 2024香港知專設計學院 (HKDI) 年度設計展橫跨將近三個月,精選應屆畢業 生超過 650 項來自建築、室內及產品設計、傳意設計、數碼媒體,以及時裝 及形象設計等不同學科畢業生的作品,並以展覽、時裝秀、設計匯演等方式, 盡顯新晉設計師結合創新科技的創意。今年的畢業展覽,展示年輕設計師如 何透過以人為本的方法,變換轉化,推陳出新。他們重塑實踐,並發揮跨學 科協作的力量。設計轉型賦予他們嶄新視角,重新評估如何應用設計於日常 生活,挑戰傳統,並培養對社會的正面影響。通過展覽、時裝秀和設計演示 等形式,展現了這批新晉設計師結合創新科技的創意成果。這不僅是一個展 現他們才華的平台,也是一個讓觀眾一睹未來設計師風采的絕佳機會。 2024香港知專設計學院年度設計展 以「變換轉化」設計引領社會變革 LEADING SOCIAL CHANGE THROUGH "TRANSFORMATIVE" DESIGN Hong Kong Design Institute Emerging Design Talents 2024 TEXT / CHERRY LO PHOTOGRAPHY / HONG KONG DESIGN INSTITUTE 38