SIGNED magazine #31

Since its inception, the film and television media has existed squarely at the juncture of art and technology. Media forms like music videos, streaming services and even blockbuster Hollywood films have exemplified this inextricable link. In the past three to four years, though, virtual productions have swept through the world and have been described by insiders in the United States and Europe as marking a "point of no return" for the overall industry due to their real-time ability to produce special effects content. Such technology is gaining momentum in Hong Kong too. In March 2024, an international-level professional virtual production studio officially opened in the city, ensuring that local production is keeping pace with the rest of the world. 融合藝術與科技是全球創意 產業新趨勢,以影視製作為 例,不論荷里活電影、串流 劇集,以至音樂視頻等,與 科技經已密不可分。近三至 四年,能高效製作出實時特 效內容的虛擬製作 (virtual production),更被歐美影視 界形容為「一條不歸路」, 應用與日俱增。在香港,隨 著國際級虛擬製作錄影廠於 2024 年 3 月正式啟用,意味 本地製作的發展里程,正與 世界各地亦步亦趨。 07