HKMiX Series #001 Our Makers of....Wood - Documentaries of HK Makers
The Hong Kong Makers in Croxover series explores novel approaches to Hong Kong crafts and craftsmanship with Hong Kong makers. In definition, the word “Makers” not only means“a person that makes or produces something”, it also means "creator, constructor; producer; architect; designer; originator; inventor; founder; author, etc.”. The definitions vary. Our definition of a maker consists of the embodiment of craftsmanship's spirit, innovative ideas, and the core-values of creation. In developing interdisciplinary collaborations, co-creations, and a young talents nurturing program, we hope to reveal the creative spirit behind every maker in Hong Kong.
#001 Our Makers of …Documentaries of Hong Kong Makers
“The Makers of Hong Kong ,The Making of Hong Kong”
Makers are actualizing one's creative values is not only the act of making, it is also the process of reinventing Hong Kong.
"HK Wood Community"(港產木村) Featuring Carpenters :
Dougea Wong - Founder and Director of D2 Workshop
- “Made in Hong Kong” has been promoted for years, but it may also have been abused. But what about the people who are involved in “Made in Hong Kong”? How are their works? How much is the exchange between works? These are our responsibilities"
Ken Chow - Founder and Director of Yat Muk Studio
-"I have a series of works of my own which is a crossover series.I also planned to invite craftsmen from different sectors to cooperate while using different materials As they won’t understand my field and I don’t understand their fields, it’s worth cooperating with each other. This will be a real skill exchange, so I attach great importance to its significance."
Will Lo - Founder and Director of Will_woodcrafts
- "My early pieces of work are purely for sharing.And I started creation because of my family.I am married and have two children, so those early works were made to meet the needs of my childrenAfter I shared them online, I found that many people liked them.This became my motivation to further study woodworking and create my own style..."
Our Makers of....Wood - "HK Wood Community(港產木村)"