城市設計: 實務研習證書 (DE424530Q)
課程編號 | 資歷架構 級別 |
資歷登記號碼 |
資歷名冊 登記有效期 |
修讀模式 | 修業期 | |
DE424530Q | 4 | 21/001111/L4 | 17/09/2021 - 31/08/2026 | 兼讀制 |
30小時 (24小時面授+6小時網上授課) |
備註: |
(1) 除非課程取消,否則已繳交之學費概不退還或轉讓。 |
(2) 本課程已通過資歷架構認可(資歷級別第四級)。 |
(3) 教學語言:英語 (有需要時輔以粵語) |
申請資格: | 持有香港永久性居民身分證及首次成功入讀該合資格課程 |
學費發還比例: | 60% |
資助上限: | HK$36,000 |
可申請課程數量: | 多於一個合資格課程 (至用畢資助上限為止) |
申請期限: | 開課日起30天內 |
- 闡述什麼元素構成城市空間及與精神環境,發掘城市設計於日常生活的功能;
- 概述城市設計與生態學、經濟、自然環境、社會學、景觀及建築的關係;
- 培養學員理解空間設計的能力;
- 教授城市設計總大綱及撰寫計劃書的基本方法。
- 了解城市規劃及設計
- 以人為本的城市設計
- 政府政策及都城市設計規範
- 發展潛力評估
- 規劃研究
- 構思基本城市設計計劃書
Basic Qualification
(a) | - | Five HKDSE subjects at Level 2 or above, including English and Chinese Languages, or equivalent; OR |
- | Five HKCEE subjects at Grade E / Level 2 or above, including English and Chinese Languages, or equivalent; OR | |
- | Completion of a QF Level 3 programme that is deemed acceptable to the respective Programme Board; OR | |
- | Relevant RPL qualification(s) at QF Level 3 or above AND a pass in an entrance assessment, which can be either oral or written; OR | |
- | Other relevant verifiable prior learning and/or work experience that is/are deemed appropriate by respective Programme Board AND a pass in an entrance assessment, which can be either oral or written. | |
(b) | Applicants are required to have at least 1 year of relevant working experience. | |
(c) | An interview may also be required on a need basis. |
Mature Applicants
Mature applicants, i.e. those aged 21 or above with at least two years’ relevant working experience, can be admitted. Where appropriate, the applicant may be required to pass an entrance assessment, which can be in an oral and/or written form.
Documents Required for Application
1) Completed Application Form (Online)
2) Upload Copy of proof for Academic Qualifications
3) Upload Copy of proof for Working Experience
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