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Master Lecture Series – Restless Futures: New Design from Central Saint Martins


Master Lecture Series – Restless Futures:
New Design from Central Saint Martins


Speaker: Nicholas Rhodes

“Restless Futures” is the title of an exhibition and publication mounted at the London Design Festival. Its aims was to capture a snapshot of design and design thinking emerging from Central Saint Martins’ students and present these under a set of four themes: Disruptive Technologies, Democratising Innovation, No More Stuff? and Expanded Boundaries. In this lecture, Nick Rhodes will present and discuss the exhibition’s content and the future they indicate.

Nick is a designer and educator with around 20 years of experience in practice, who has taught at institutions all over the world. His design work encompasses product design, branding and packaging, spatial design and new product development. Nick has worked with international clients and governmental agencies including: Moët and Chandon, LVMH, Mont Blanc, Proctor and Gamble, Unilever, the London Development Agency, Centre for Development of Enterprise, Brussels, to name a few.

Date: 5 Aug 2015 (Wed)
Time: 6:00 – 7:30pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre A001, HKDI
Language: English (simultaneous interpretation not provided)

For enquiries, please contact Mr Chiang Chi Wing at 3928 2806 /wingchiang@vtc.edu.hk


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