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Master Lecture Series - How to Be a Band Vocalist


Master Lecture Series - How to Be a Band Vocalist

Speaker:Itamiya Ryosuke

Itamiya Ryosuke is the band vocalist of a Japanese local rock band (Hatake Band). His mission is to promote music with the integration of Asian culture. In the past, he had delivered seminars and workshops in Shanghai, Beijing, and he also presented a book “How to Be a Band Vocalist” in 2010. The content of “How to Be a Band Vocalist” includes general voice training exercise and application. In the book, Mr Itamiya also talks about the vocal techniques of Rock, Pops, Punk, Hip Hop, R&B, Funk, Heavy Metal and even Death Metal. In Japan, he cooperated with Shimamura Music, the largest musical instrument retailer in Japan and presented a series of vocal workshops to the students.

Date: 13 Nov 2015 (Fri)
Time: 3:15 – 5:30pm
Venue: A001
Language: mainly in English & supplemented in Mandarin

For enquiries, please contact Mr. Yip gavinyip@vtc.edu.hk.




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