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Master Lecture Series - Why the circular economy calls for rethinking design and creativity


Master Lecture Series - Why the circular economy calls for rethinking design and creativity

Speaker: Xavier Majoral

Mr. Xavier Majoral is an internationally acclaimed Product Designer in Barcelona, Spain. He is the co-owner and founder of STIMULO Design studio which is based in Spain since 2003. His business has also expanded to China since 2011.

As a product industrial designer and business developer, Mr. Majoral is in charge of the STIMULO office in Guangzhou, China, promoting design values, connecting East and West collaboration opportunities.

“On a global market, linear thinking is no longer an option; we are living a transition to a circular economy.
“We all need to rethink design, looking across the whole life cycle of products to maximize the value chain that goes into it.”

In this journey with design as a creative tool to develop new strategies, it is key to design with repair, reuse and recyclability in mind. But what’s more importantly may be creating products that will be loved or trusted longer ( countering emotional obsolescence ), where consumers can “see themselves” and identify the characters in the design, and share the affinity of the brands values.

Date: 7 December 2015 (Monday)
Time: 10:00am – 12:00noon
Venue: A001
Language: English (simultaneous interpretation not provided)

For any enquiries, please contact Mr. Evance YAU at 3928 2839 / evance@vtc.edu.hk




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