SIGNED magazine #29

11 After receiving a Foundation Diploma in Design Studies at IVE in 2011 and a Higher Diploma in Interior Design from HKDI in 2014, Rolland worked in interior design and architecture before completing his BA (Honours) in Interior Architecture at Middlesex University London (HKU SPACE) in 2018. Also, in 2018, Cheung founded AGAPE Design, the first resin art design studio and brand in Hong Kong. He hopes to work on large-scale projects and to further develop his skills in resin art, applying his imaginative techniques to interior, product, and spatial design. 張滙希在2011年於香港專業教育學院獲 得設計基礎課程文憑,並於2014年在香 港知專設計學院取得室內設計高級文憑。 投身於室內設計及建築行業兩年後,他 再入讀英國倫敦密德薩斯大學( 香港大學 專業進修學院),並在2018年取得室內建 築( 榮譽) 文學士。 張滙希在2018年創立了香港首家樹脂畫 藝術設計室及品牌AGAPE Design。他希 望將來能夠創作更多大型項目,進一步 發展樹脂藝術的技巧,在室內、產品與 空間設計中運用充滿想像力的創意技術。 After earning her Higher Diploma in Fashion Design from Hong Kong Design Institute and BA (Honours) in Fashion Design at Nottingham Trent University (VTC SHAPE) in 2009, Alize has been working in the fashion industry, first as a designer, and later in marketing. The change initiator teamed up with St. James' Settlement in 2016 and began running DIY musical instrument workshops. In 2020, she founded the upcycling studio In Wonderland Co. to design self-assembly kits to connect customers with products and show how to integrate sustainability into daily life. Alize wants to learn more about the mechanics behind kinetic toys and musical instruments, which will be invaluable for her product designs. 林若曦在HKDI 取得時裝設計高級文憑 後,再修讀才晉高等教育學院銜接課 程,於2009年獲得Nottingham Trent University頒授時裝設計( 榮譽) 學士學 位。畢業後投身時裝界,曾任時裝設計 師及市場推廣。她積極推動改變,自 2016年起與聖雅各福群會合作舉辦DIY 樂器工作坊。 林若曦在2020年創立了升級再造設計工 作室In Wonderland Co.,專門設計DIY 自組裝,希望透過親手製造的過程讓消 費者與產品建立連繫,把可持續發展融 入日常生活。她希望繼續學習更多有關 復古機械玩具與樂器的操作原理,對未 來產品設計會有莫大裨益。 Alize Lam Yeuk Hei 林若曦 Founder, In Wonderland Co. In Wonderland Co. – 創辦人 Design Practitioners Awardee - CreateSmart Young Design Talent Award 2022 現職設計師得獎人- 創意智優青年設計才俊獎2022 "360 Bar" by Rolland Cheung. Commissioned by the Hong Kong Jockey Club for a new clubhouse bar in Happy Valley, this translucent resin bar counter is entirely hand-made and features a unique pattern that resembles jade and sapphires. 「360 Bar」是由香港賽馬會委託, 位於新落成的跑馬地會所酒吧,是全 人手製作的半透明樹脂藝術酒吧檯, 圖案仿照玉石與藍寶石,色彩獨特。 "Silver Tree - World Psoriasis Day" by Rolland Cheung. Commissioned by the Hong Kong Psoriasis Patients Association for World Psoriasis Day 2019. Soft resin wraps recycled parts of a tree to become white and silver liquid leaves, imitating a typical skin condition. 「Silver Tree - World Psoriasis Day」是香港銀屑病友會委託的公 共裝置藝術,紀念世界銀屑病日 2019。以軟樹脂包裹回收再造的樹 木,形成一層銀白色的液態樹葉,猶 如銀屑病的皮屑病徵。 Alize Lam Yeuk Hei "Mood Piano" by Alize Lam. Developed for the IFVA Everywhere Carnival 2020, this is a gigantic hand-cranked wooden music box with a roller made of discarded bicycle wheels and a recycled piano. The installation plays two melodies and is reminiscent of the silent film era, when live music was played as the soundtrack. 「Mood Piano」是IFVA影像嘉年 華2020的藝術裝置,以廢棄單車輪 胎結合回收鋼琴製作巨型手動木製音 樂盒,可演奏兩段樂曲,紀念默片時 代的現場配樂。 Congratulations to all awardees. Their open, inclusive, and imaginative vision will provide fresh blood to the creative industries and contribute to an even brighter future for Hong Kong as an international hub of design. 衷心祝賀各位得獎者,為創意工業帶來開明共融、富想像力的視野和新鮮感,為香港繼續發揮國際設計 都會力量作出貢獻。 Website Website