SIGNED magazine #29

10 "Commercial design has a great influence on our daily life. Good design comes from understanding its relationship with the user and striking a balance between aesthetics and practicality." 「商業設計對日常生活影響重 大。能夠明白設計與用家的 關係,在美感與實用之間取 得平衡,就是好設計。」 "Life is art, and art is life. Art is not without purpose or merely a thing of luxury. I want to inspire people to rethink life with my art." 「生命就是藝術,藝術就是生 命。藝術並非無用也非單純 的奢華。我希望能夠透過藝 術,啟發更多人重新思考生 命。」 Yan, a graduate of HKDI's Higher Diploma in Graphic Information Design is passionate about eastern culture and is particularly inspired by designs from Japan. She hopes to open her own studio and focus on branding and cultural artwork. She is planning to work in Japan to seek inspiration, get updated on the latest design technology and to develop her personal style. 張可欣畢業於香港知專設計學院,獲得 平面資訊設計高級文憑,酷愛東方文化, 設計靈感深受日本設計所啟發。她希望 能夠開設自己的設計工作室,專注於品 牌建立及文化藝術工作。她計劃先到日 本工作以尋找創作靈感、學習最先進的 設計技術,同時建立個人風格。 Cheung Ho Yan 張可欣 Freelancer 自由工作者 Design Practitioners Awardee - CreateSmart Young Design Talent Award 2022 現職設計師得獎人- 創意智優青年設計才俊獎2022 Rolland Cheung Wui Hei 張滙希 Founder, AGAPE Design AGAPE Design – 創辦人 Design Practitioners Awardee - CreateSmart Young Design Talent Award 2022 現職設計師得獎人- 創意智優青年設計才俊獎2022 Cheung Ho Yan Fashion is not the only strength of HKDI students. As illustrated by other YDTA awardees, the only limit is the sky when it comes to excelling in the diverse specialisms in design. HKDI 不只是時裝精英的搖籃,從青年設計才俊獎的得獎人可見,於學院畢業的設計專才在其他領域同樣 成就驕人。 Lasting impact in various design fronts 耀目設計照亮不同領域 學院培育功不可沒 "Pause for Life" by Cheung Ho Yan. A premium stationery set made of wood and cement, containing gadgets which showcase the beauty of oriental art in a modern abstract way. 「暫亭」是一套高級文房四寶套裝, 由木和水泥製成的兩層小盒內藏各種 小工具,以富現代感的抽象風格呈現 東方藝術之美。 Rolland Cheung Wui Hei Website