SIGNED magazine #29

6 Report Report HKDI graduates sparkled in DFA Hong Kong Young Design Talent Award Eight HKDI alumni and recent graduates clinched half of the 16 accolades of the DFA Hong Kong Young Designer Award 2022. Their distinguished and ground-breaking accomplishments are certainly the pride of the leading provider of design education in the region. 香港知專設計學院(HKDI)一直專注設計教育、領先亞太, 8名校友勇奪DFA 香港青年設計才俊獎 2022一半獎項,成績亮麗耀眼,令HKDI 引以為傲。 HKDI 畢業生囊括DFA 香港青年設計才俊獎多項榮譽 Theo Chan Kwun Hop 陳冠合 Fashion Designer 時裝設計師 Design Graduates Awardee - CreateSmart Young Design Talent Special Award 2022 設計畢業生得獎人 - 創意智優青年設計才俊特別獎2022 "I have always used fashion design as a channel to express my inner thoughts that are otherwise impossible for me to explain verbally - whether about social issues, ideas about philosophy, psychology or more." 「時裝設計一直是我抒發內心 的渠道、讓我表達平常難以 言喻的想法,包括社會議題、 哲學或心理學意念等。」 Theo Chan Kwun Hop