SIGNED magazine #29

8 "Clothing is more than a commodity, it is more about the attitude, and the voice of individuals. I embrace the power of fashion." 「服裝不僅僅是商品,更是態 度和個人聲音。我擁抱時尚 的力量。」 Cowon earned her HKDI Higher Diploma in Fashion Design in 2022. Her inspiration comes from everyday life and art. She dreams of establishing her own design studio one day but plans to work for fashion companies in Tokyo and Paris first, where their avant-garde style and particular design aesthetics appeal to her most. 楊詠婷是香港知專設計學院2022年時裝 設計高級文憑畢業生。她的創作靈感源 自日常生活和藝術,夢想是成立自己的 設計工作室,現計劃先到東京與巴黎累 積工作經驗,希望效力風格前衛和具特 殊設計美學的時裝品牌。 Contact: Cowon Yeung Wing Ting 楊詠婷 Fashion Designer 時裝設計師 Design Graduates Awardee - CreateSmart Young Design Talent Special Award 2022 設計畢業生得獎人 - 創意智優青年設計才俊特別獎2022 Cherry Ng Tsz Kwan 吳芷君 Fashion Designer 時裝設計師 Design Graduates Awardee - CreateSmart Young Design Talent Special Award 2022 設計畢業生得獎人 - 創意智優青年設計才俊特別獎2022 "Unrestrained" by Cowon Yeung. The graduation project pays tribute to the punk spirit of the 1970s. Songs by the Sex Pistols challenged authority, and Great Britain's youth rebelled against oppression and unemployment. A different treatment with sleeves is applied to the entire collection, as they are randomly placed to create a deconstructed drape sleeve dress with irregular details. A three-dimensional effect is achieved by cotton balls inserted in the sleeves, and a wrinkle effect with subtraction cutting creates an irregular streamline for another deconstructed layered sleeve skirt. The metal zippers on the bleached plaid neckline and cuffs suggest rebellion and destructiveness. 畢業專題系列「Unrestrained」是向1970年 代龐克精神致敬之作,當時Sex Pistols 以歌 聲挑戰權威,英國年輕一輩反抗壓迫和失業狀 況。整個系列以不一樣的衫袖處理為特式,衫 袖隨機置入製作出不規則製飾的解構褶襉衫袖 裙、棉球放入衫袖製造立體效果,再以皺摺效 果配合減法剪裁營造出不規則線條,製作出另 一條解構多層衫袖裙。經漂白的格仔領口和袖 口都加上了金屬拉鍊,顯露作品的反叛與破壞 風格。 Cowon Yeung Wing Ting Cherry Ng Tsz Kwan "Hermaphrodite" by Cherry Ng. This final year project is a unisex collection designed with the LGBTQ+ community in mind: androgynous designs are applied on sheer, light materials, with less focus on the silhouette. 畢業作品「Hermaphrodite」系列 的設計主題圍繞LGBTQ+社群,在透 明輕柔的布料上刻意運用不分性別的 剪裁,不標榜身體線條。