HKDI Presents FILM SERIES is not just a break from the routine of the every school day. It is an opportunity to inspire and be inspired. These specially selected films are intended to use the medium of film to expose students to invigorating ideas, cultures, and people around the world.

「HKDI電影放映系列」於2012年推出, 節目舉辦旨在透過電影欣賞,為學生於課餘後提供一個不同的學習體驗與交流平台。 除了透過電影播放,讓學生欣賞到電影之美,更會就相關議題邀請電影製作人及嘉賓一起討論觀後感,藉以培養學生對社會人文的關懷、不同議題的關注、以及對自我的反思。 啟發學生多角度思考分析,擴闊其視野與包容之量, 從而更珍惜自己,尊重他人,體驗生命價值與實現「欣賞」之諦。

Pervious Works

Screening and Post Screening Talk with Filmmakers
Date: 14 Nov 2012
Time: 7pm
Venue: VTC Auditorium
Audiences: 700
Speakers: TERO KAUKOMAA (Producer), TIMO VUORENSOLA (Director)
  Finnish/ German/ Australian, 2012, 93 mins, blu-ray

The Reverse 《命運女殺手》
Supported by “Consulate General of Poland”
Date: 10 Oct 2013
Time: 7pm
Venue: VTC Auditorium
Audiences: 700
Moderator: Keeto lam (紀陶)
  Poland, 2009, 99 mins, blu-ray

HKDI Presents FILM SERIES Screening of “Aberdeen” and Sharing Session with Director
Date: 19 May 2014
Time: 7pm
Venue: Lecture Theater A001
Audiences: 740(Full House)
Moderator: Kearen Pang
Speakers: Edmond Pang Ho-Cheung (Director), Gigi Leung (Actress)
  Hong Kong, 2014, 97 mins, DCP

HKDI Presents FILM SERIES – Sharing Session with Director "Sara"
Date: 4 March 2015
Time: 7pm
Venue: Lecture Theater A001
Audiences: +300 (Full House)
Speakers: Chapman To (Producer), Herman Yau (Director), Ryan Lau (Actor)

Dior and I《我和DIOR的華麗邂逅》
HKDI Presents FILM SERIES – Screening of Dior and I and Post-Screening Talk

Supported by “Consulate General of Poland”
Date: 25 September 2015
Time: 7pm
Venue: VTC Auditorium
Audiences: 600
Moderator: Mr. Lam Chun Yue (Pierre Lam皮亞)
Speakers: Dr. Raymond AU, Associate Academic Director (Design), DILWL
Dr. LIU Wing Sun, Institute of Textiles & Clothing, Specialism Coordinator of Global Fashion Management (MA), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University