Film Production

To capture Highsmith’s 1950s New York, CAROL was shot in Cincinnati, OHIO over the course of 35 days. The pre-war buildings and apartments in Cincinnati mirrored New York in the 1950s and created a realistic time and place for the story to be recreated. 

In completing production on the film, producer Stephen Woolley said, “CAROL is very close to Patricia Highsmith’s novel and I think that’s an art in itself. It’s very difficult to take a book and write the script of that book in a way that comes to life on film for audiences. CAROL enables audiences to experience The Price of Salt. And that’s an art— an invisible art that audiences can appreciate in our film.” 

To shoot the film, Ed Lachman joined Haynes as the Director of Photography. The film was shot on Super 16 millimeter which made it look like it was 35 millimeter in that time period. Having worked with Haynes before on Mildred Pierce, Far From Heaven and I’m Not There, Lachman said, “Todd and I have a wonderful kind of yin-yang relationship that so many great ideas and perspectives come from. We discovered the language in this film which I like to call a ‘poetic realism.’ We reference certain mid-century photographers then branched out to look at what women photographers of the 1950s were doing at that time.”

In their research, Lachman and Haynes explored how images of the era had a certain poetic look at things and a subjective viewpoint they wanted to model in the film. “Cinematography or telling stories in images is what will tell a psychological truth in a film,” said Lachman. “That’s what Todd and I are always trying to do— find the visual context of the story. And so to do that, we implement psychology in the way the camera moves, the lighting, and the set and costume design.”

Sandy Powell helped create Haynes’ and Lachman’s vision as the Costume Designer of CAROL. She took a naturalistic approach to dressing them as she said, “My job was to help create the characters and make them believable to each other and audiences. I wanted Carol to be fashionable, but understated— somebody a character like Therese would look up to and be impressed by as well.” In collaboration with Powell, Makeup Artist Patricia Regan and Hair Stylist Jerry Decarlo further evolved the physical identity of each character.

Production Designer, Judy Becker, chose to work with a very specific color palette that was based on the colors used in the early 1950s. The film really emphasized, especially in the interiors, the sour greens, yellows, and dirty pinks of the era— slightly soiled colors that give the viewer the feeling of the post-war city before the brightness of the Eisenhower administration had taken over. To bring the final touches to the interior spaces, Set Director Heather Loeffler, added the elements that make a place feel lived in by a particular character. For example, with Carol, she left magazines and books around the house, implicating the idea that she was bored or was looking for things to do.

Every element of the story was reimagined for the screen, painting a visually honest picture of society in the midst of change. CAROL is a beautifully realized and impeccably acted piece of filmmaking.


深入俄亥俄州中部 重塑戰後美國 貼近小說場景



服裝、美術精英盡出  重現50年代風貌  描繪時代女性裝束

