Biography 講者簡介

Sheila Levrant de Bretteville is the director of the Yale University Graduate Program in Graphic Design and the first women to receive tenure at the Yale University School of Art. Named as “Street Professor”, a lot of her artworks embedded with city neighborhoods. Recently, her works were in exhibitions at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles and the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York.

Sheila Levrant de Bretteville 教授是耶魯大學平面設計學系的「研究生課程」總監,也是首位任教於耶魯大學藝術學院的女性,是一位具影響力的設計師及教育家。Sheila 的不少作品均圍繞「城區、街頭」主題,探討各類社會現象及問題,因此,她又被稱為「街頭教授」。近年,她的作品曾於洛杉磯的現代藝術博物館及紐約的當代藝術博物館(MoMA)展出。Sheila一直鼓勵學生開拓創新思维,勇於冒險,嘗試由生活所示,實踐突破設計。