Sheila’s Design Works 設計作品

At the start (Inwood, New York. 1999)
New walls, floor tiles and railing at the northern terminus of the A train
— the longest subway line in New York

Biddy Mason: Time & Place (Los Angeles, California 1994)
New wall honoring Biddy Mason, an African American woman who
had lived at this site

Omoide noShotokyo (Los Angeles 1996)
New 1,500 linear feet of sidewalk in the old Little Tokyo

Path of Stars (New Haven 1993)
21 granite stars set in the sidewalk which documented the lives of
local citizens — past and present.

step(pe) (Yekaterinburg, Russia 2006)
New entrance for the Old Water Tower

Sheila Levrant de Bretteville
Studio Website 工作室網頁