Dear Students,

Welcome to the Department of Architecture, Interior and Product Design, Hong Kong Design Institute! I am your department head, Daniel Chan. Our department covers all the programmes related to 3-dimensional and spatial designs. In the past year, I believe that it’s not an easy year, Hong Kong had gone through the social movement, COVID-19 epidemic, this cohort was being named the “Being Chosen Group”! Promoting from secondary school to HKDI, this will be a new milestone in your life! You will meet friends here with similar dreams and goals, and also passionate in design. They may become your colleagues after graduation, or even become your lifetime companions! I encourage you to devote yourselves to your studies. We have the state-of-the-art teaching facilities, such as 3D Printers, trade-specific computer softwares, plastic and metal laser cutting machine, 3D Scanner...etc. Every year, we will also collaborate with different companies, many of them are international enterprises! There are many overseas visits or exchange opportunities for our students, they had been to many countries including Norway, Denmark, Finland, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Australia….etc. At the same time, we will invite overseas scholars and experts to come to share their knowledge and experience at HKDI! Although the orientation activity this year needs to switch to online mode owing to the epidemic, two of the key attributes of Design are to “Thinking out of the Box” and “Problem Solving”, I believe we can easily overcome this limitation, and this won’t hinder your Spirit of Learning! Finally, I hope you will enjoy your study at HKDI, and I wish you to be a professional designer in different arenas in the future!

Daniel Chan
Head of Department
Department of Architecture, Interior and Product Design
Hong Kong Design Institute

Useful link for online lesson and meeting:

Please click here to download the Microsoft Teams in advance and make sure to use the user name and password provided by VTC to login the system.

Online Program Orientation:
Date: 26 Aug 2020 (Wed)

Different programmes' meeting time and details please refer to the email announcement from HKDI and please join the meeting on time.