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香港知专设计学院呈献:跨媒体先锋系列2014 – 跨媒体定义


香港知专设计学院呈献:跨媒体先锋系列2014 – 定义跨媒体

What does Transmedia mean? Cross-media-platform narrative? Mixed media design? Its meaning, rather than permanent and absolute, is contingent and only becoes definite in relation to the context wherefrom it is told.

In this seminar, two pioneers, Prof Vladan Nikolic and Miss Sheng Rong, will try to define Transmedia from the perspective of digital entertainment sector – under what conditions would a media product called Transmedia? How is it different from existing model? And most importantly, how does it open up a market for investors that singular media can never do?

Vladan Nikolic, Associate Professor, School of Media Studies, The New School (New York)
He is one of the leading filmmakers to experiment with the idea of Transmedia for film narrative. He directed feature-length movie, Zenith, with an elaborate Transmedia campaign, which had millions of downloads and generated a cult following. He is also a consultant on various Trnasmedia projects in media production, education and for branded content.

Sheng Rong, media producer of over 10-year industrial experience
She is one of the first people of mainland China working in the field of Transmedia consultancy. Her servicing clients include Vantone Real Estate, TaoBao Marketplace, etc.

时间:下午 2:30 – 4:00
地点:将军澳景岭路3 路香港知专设计学院A008 室


香港知专设计学院 传意设计及数码媒体学系主办


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