
Fashion Archive Exhibition #12:「0+ 时装展」: 在数码时代拥抱零浪费的设计
Fashion Archive Exhibition #12:「0+ 时装展」: 在数码时代拥抱零浪费的设计

一曲創新與環保意識完美和諧的交響樂章。由香港知專設計學院(HKDI)、知專設創源(CIMT)及時裝資料館 FA 攜手呈現,以可持續發展和科技為主題的時尚展
如今,快時尚行業正面臨著嚴峻的環境挑戰。研究顯示 (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2017), 約 15%的服裝用料最終會成為設計及裁剪過程中的廢料。當這些寶貴的資源被浪費時,投入其中的資源也將隨之而去。解決之道在於最大限度地利用可持續紡織材料,並最小化生產過程中的浪費。
「0+ 時裝展」正是為了應對這一問題而生。它旨在通過展示零廢棄布料及零廢棄紙樣製作的前沿理念和實踐,喚起公眾對可持續布料及時裝設計的認知。作為一所教育機構, HKDI 致力於聯手業界,教育年輕設計師們優先使用環保紡織品,並在服裝設計及生產過程中預先計算布料用量,大幅節約資源。零浪費紙樣製作是一種設計技術, 利用拼圖式裁剪, 在設計和裁剪階段減少浪費布料,充分發揮100%的布料使用率。「0+ 時裝展」標誌著這一技術的新篇章,將傳統技術與CLO3D 數碼軟件的尖端功能熔為一爐, 讓觀眾在實體和虛擬之間體驗年輕設計師對零浪費時裝的獨特願景。
“「0+ 時裝展」: 在數碼時代擁抱零浪費的設計”展覽
展覽期間: 二零二四年七月十一日 至 十一月二十六日
開放時間: 上午十至十二時 及 下午二至五時 (星期六、 星期日及公眾假期閉館)
展覽地點: HKDI 時裝資料館
Fashion Archive Exhibition #5: “IN THE MAKING”
Fashion Archive Exhibition #5: “IN THE MAKING”

UCA SHAPE Fashion Promotion Imaging students showcase their Work in Progress and fluid approach to Fashion Image Making with an online exhibition, curated by UCA lecturers Kary Kwok & Layla Sailor.
In the Making explores the unpicking, interruption and deconstruction of the fashion image with a focus on collaboration and creativity. Students explore their individual concepts in a myriad of forms over the one year Top Up Degree, looking in and out of fashion for inspiration.
The resulting work is a kaleidoscope of thought provoking ideas and concept exploration.
“IN THE MAKING ” Exhibition
Exhibition period: 6 -17 Jul 2020
Platform: Fashion Archive Facebook and Instagram
Fashion Archive Exhibition #4: White Project
Fashion Archive Exhibition #4: White Project

是次名為White Project 的Pop-Up 時裝展覽,HKDI時裝資料館邀請了本校37位創意無限的男女裝時裝設計系的同學聯手製作,透過解構主義的概念,將本來平平無奇的胚布和白色紗線轉化成為37件獨一無二的時尚外套。
“White Project ” Exhibition
展覽期間: 26 Jan to 13 Sep 2019
開放時間: 10am - 12pm and 2pm - 5pm (星期六、 星期日及公眾假期休息)
場地: A707, HKDI
The Opening Party of Fashion Archive Exhibition #3: DDDenim
The Opening Party of Fashion Archive Exhibition #3: DDDenim

The “DDDenim Exhibition” co-organised by HKDI Fashion Archive and veteran culturalists Mr Peter Wong and Mr Ching Siu Wai, showcases the history of denim and its influence on our culture and lifestyle. The exhibition features exclusive denim collections from celebrities and international designer brands from HKDI Fashion Archive, and creative denim artwork by young Hong Kong designers, to create a unique denim style and culture exhibition. During the opening party held on 22 March 2019, Ms Josie Ho, singer and actress, shared her valuable ideas on Denim culture, and 8 adorable kids modelled at the “HKDI Fashion Archive x ROOKIE SS19 Levi’s Kidswear Fashion Show”.
Fashion Archive Exhibition #3: DDDenim
Fashion Archive Exhibition #3: DDDenim

Fashion Archive Exhibition #2: Fashi6n
Fashion Archive Exhibition #2: Fashi6n

Fashi6n Exhibition presents a fine selection of award-winning student works from the six programmes of the Department of Fashion and Image Design during 2017-18.
Exhibits spans across Fashion Design, Fashion Design Menswear, Fashion Image Design, Costume Design for Performance, Fashion Branding and Buying and Fashion Media Design. These winning works demonstrated a wide range of distinctive and creative ideas in various open competitions with remarkable awards and praises.
“Fashi6n” Exhibition
Exhibition Period: 19 Oct to 7 Dec 2018
Opening Hours: 10am - 12pm and 2pm - 5pm
Venue: A707, HKDI
Fashion Archive Academy #1: Fashion Archive X Redress Sustainable Fashion Design Workshop
Fashion Archive Academy #1: Fashion Archive X Redress Sustainable Fashion Design Workshop

The HKDI Fashion Archive x Redress Design Award 2018 Fashion Academy is a sustainable fashion event for students and emerging designers. Through an afternoon of hands-on workshops and talks from industry professionals, students obtained better understanding in sustainable fashion, various sustainable fashion design techniques and repair methods. They also got access to pieces from HKDI’s Fashion Archive up-close to explore sustainable fashion from past, present and future.
Ryan Wong (Business Development Manager, HKRITA)
Hanna Hallin (Sustainability Manager, Sales Market Greater China, H&M)
Kay Liu (Education Director, Redress)
Nancy Tong (Education Associate, Redress)
Gao Qingzi (Redress Design Award Alumni)
Cassandra Ng (Senior Lecturer, Department of Fashion & Image Design, HKDI)
Ho Ho Tak (Lecturer, Department of Fashion & Image Design, HKDI)
Grand Opening Master Class: Subtraction Cutting Workshop by Prof Julian Roberts
Grand Opening Master Class: Subtraction Cutting Workshop by Prof Julian Roberts

Prof Julian Roberts is a British fashion designer and academic, currently tenured as MA Textiles Professor at the Royal College of Art in London UK. Between 1996 and 2008, Prof Julian Roberts had worked as a practicing fashion designer showing 13 collections under his own labels at London and Paris Fashion Weeks. He has shown his professional fashion and video work in 12 countries, and received the coveted ‘New Generation Award’ from the British Fashion Council 5 times.
Over the past 15 years, Prof Julian Roberts has developed his own internationally recognized method of garment construction called ‘Subtraction Cutting’ which has been shown widely to audiences at London Fashion Week, published as a commercial book, and disseminated widely via the internet as a free publication. His cutting techniques have been tested across the world at over 20 universities in the UK, and demonstrated live in front of audiences, including students, professionals and the public of all ages in over 17 countries across 6 continents, including: Canada, Mexico, Australia, USA, Russia, New Zealand, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Sweden, China, Nigeria, Chile, Colombia, Argentina and France.
During the 2 days’ workshop, students learnt the method of hollow construction that encourages lateral thinking, experimentation and risk taking, with end results that can be used variously to make men’s and women’s fashion garments, accessories, and interior/exterior design products.
Grand Opening Exhibition: FASHIONLUTION
Grand Opening Exhibition: FASHIONLUTION

On entering the World of FASHIONLUTION, fashion enthusiasts and academics alike are able to look forward to an historical array of fashion apparel, accessories and print that depicts from by-gone Victoria era right up to the end of the last century.
FASHIONLUTION: Fashion + Evolution aims to bring a fresh perspective to fashion history appreciation through allowing the visitors to embrace and participate, in person and via technology, the abstracts of lost time, so to trigger various dimensions of emotions; may it be nostalgia, sparks of inspirations or just pure enjoyment.
Fashion is perceived as a visual art of immerse creativity, often challenged to accommodate to the human body. Although it is connected to the impulses of the moment, it is also a strong force of continuity. Fashion’s willingness to evolve is part of what makes it modern and it is this aspect that has drawn humans to fashion as a paradigm of innovation. But fashion also has a powerful connection to past eras, mementoes, culture, values and history.
Exhibition Period: 26 Sep to 31 Jul 2018
Opening Hours: 10am - 12pm and 2pm - 5pm
Venue: A707, HKDI
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