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Master Lecture by Francesco Sani


Master Lecture by Francesco Sani

Speaker: Francesco Sani

Francesco Sani is currently based in Fucecchio, Italy – the town where he was born in 1978. He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture in Florence University in 2003. During his studies, he won an award at the Rotary International. After graduation, he started his professional career as Architect and Designer in 2004 with the opening of his personal office “Francesco Sani Architetto”, which specifies in the design of private and public spaces (such as show-room, retails, clubs and exhibition spaces) and industrial products, especially in lighting and furniture.

His Wave Lamp Collection was one of the nominated products for I.d.o.t. 06/07. The Vivaevageta Lamp was the finalist of D&AD award. The Poprings project achieved a special nomination in Progetti di Luce 06 competition. The Daily Egg project is selected in Ceramics for Breakfast International Design Competition. Last but not least, Francesco Sani won the Special Selection Award at the Young & Design 09 International Design Competition with the Gong Lamp Collection.

As a freelancer, Sani dedicated himself to architecture, interior design, product design and communication.

Date: 30 October 2014 (Thursday)
Time: 5:40pm - 7pm
Venue: Experience Centre (C002), HKDI

Free Admission


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