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Trailblazing: New Paradigms of Urban Design and the Work of the Yale Urban Design Workshop


Trailblazing: New Paradigms of Urban Design and the Work of the Yale Urban Design Workshop

Speaker: Alan J. Plattus

Alan Plattus is a professor of architecture and urbanism at the Yale School of Architecture. He has published and lectured widely on urban representation and the history of cities, as well as on contemporary American architecture and urbanism.

In this master lecture, Professor Plattus will talk about the evolution of urban design beyond the modernist paradigm that was grounded in a comprehensive idea of the city as a complete entity conceived ex novo. As this theoretical position was challenged beginning in the sixties, architects and urban designers developed a variety of more incremental approaches based on the analysis of the existing city in all its diversity. Today, we talk about “tactical urbanism” and “urban acupuncture” and have turned to models that emphasize the role of urban design as the negotiation of new relationships between already existing conditions. Professor Plattus will use the work of the Yale Urban Design Workshop, such as their ongoing work in the Dwight neighborhood in New Haven, the development of heritage trails in Connecticut and the Middle East to illustrate the discussion.

Date: 28 May, 2015 (Thu)
Time: 6pm – 7pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre A001

For registration, please contact Ms Sindy Tam at 3928 2178 / sindytam@vtc.edu.hk


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