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Master Lecture Series - Shaping Futures Through Design: Inside and outside the Oslo School of Architecture and Design


Master Lecture Series - Shaping Futures Through Design: Inside and outside the Oslo School of Architecture and Design

Speaker: Rachel K.B. TROYE

How can we meet the challenges facing today’s society? How can design contribute to positive change and understanding, solve complex problems, and unveil new opportunities? How can design create value for the triple bottom line: People, profit and planet?

Today, design is moving way beyond its traditional role; it actively shapes our society, industry, organizations, and daily life. Design is a tool with which to address a wide range of issues, ranging from strategy to social change. Designers collaborate across disciplines to create holistic, aesthetic and functional products, services and experiences that delight and improve the lives of users.

Prof. Rachel K.B. TROYE is a professor and the Head of Institute of Design at Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO). She is also the Pro-Rector responsible for branding and communication for AHO. Before joining AHO, Prof. TROYE had been working with a wide range of clients, varied from huge international corporations like BMW Worldwide, ABB and The Airport Express Train in Norway to cultural projects with NGOs.

For enquiries, please contact Ms. Rani Janday at 3928 2075 / ranijanday@vtc.edu.hk

Date: 8 March 2016
Time: 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Venue: A001
Language: English (simultaneous interpretation not provided)


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