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梁家泰 ─「攝影與偶遇」專題講座及展覽導賞


“梁家泰 ─「攝影與偶遇」專題講座及展覽導賞


What is the relationship between the photographer and the photographed? Can it be considered as a chance connection?

During the journey in South America, veteran Hong Kong photographer Leong Ka Tai has captured many interesting faces and places. How did he get connected with them so quickly and spontaneously? How did these “accidental encounters” come about? Does the resulting photo serve as the proof of the connection? Some cultures even consider taking a photo as capturing the soul. How would “chance” influence the art of photography especially in this digital era? How would the photographer respond to those spontaneous moments? Can we call it a “close encounter”?

Leong Ka Tai will take this opportunity to share his experience and discuss with other prominent local photographers and the audience. After the seminar, Leong will also lead a special guided tour of the “Over the Ocean, On the Road” multimedia exhibition at HKDI Gallery (limited quota; first-come, first-served). Please take this opportunity to connect with us!

報名及查詢: Ms. Wency Lee 3928 2566 / wencylee@vtc.edu.hk

日期: 2016年4月23日(星期六)
時間: 下午2時半 – 4時半
地點: LW003演講室及HKDI Gallery
語言: 粵語主講(設手語傳譯)
網站: www.hkdi.edu.hk/hkdi_gallery/2016/oto



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