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Master Lecture Series - Daylight and shadows as creator of architecture


Master Lecture Series - Daylight and shadows as creator of architecture

Speaker: Prof. Torben Nielsen

Narrations – about creating architecture with the daylight and shadows. The light is a building material. Each time we build a will or a pillar we create shadow, thereby articulating the light and shaping the space not only with the material, the form and the structure, but equally with the intangible – daylight.

Date:16 June 2017 (Fri)
Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre LW001, HKDI & IVE (Lee Wai Lee)

For any enquiries, please contact Ms. Irene Tang at 3928 2702 / irenetang@vtc.edu.hk.


Master Lecture Series - When an architect finds a tree...


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