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CIMT Material 101 Knowledge Seminar - Juliet x Dickson


CIMT Material 101 Knowledge Seminar
- Juliet x Dickson


Speaker: Juliet Weir-de La Rochefoucauld & Dickson Yewn

Juliet Weir-de La Rochefoucauld, Fellow of the Gemological Association of Great Britain (Gem A), began her career at Sotheby's & Co., London. She is currently based in France where she writes about jewellery. Her latest book, Women Jewellery Designers, showcases the works of women jewellers in the twentieth century.

Dickson Yewn was born in Hong Kong on 1970 and spent his undergraduate years in Paris and Ottawa studying fine arts and business. He then moved to New York to study photography and jewellery design at the Fashion Institute of Technology. He launched his first jewellery collection in 1999. Diskson's jewellery is inspired by Chinese philosophy and culture through the applied arts.

In the seminar, Juliet and Dickson will discuss topics associated with jewellery design, including colour, light, proportion and design. Students from all disciplines are welcomed to join.

Date: 29 Nov 2017 (Wed)
Time: 5:30pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre LW002, HKDI & IVE (Lee Wai Lee)

For enquiries, please contact Ms Jovia Lai at 3928 2565 / jovialai@vtc.edu.hk.


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