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HKDI students represent HK to join the INFOMATRIX Computer Art Project Competition - World Finals


HKDI students represent HK to join the INFOMATRIX Computer Art Project Competition - World Finals

3 March 2011

Two animation projects, Aeriform Touch and Ouch Mum, produced by final-year Communication Design and Digital Media students in 2010, were shortlisted under the Computer Art Category in the finals of the 2011 INFOMATRIX (Hong Kong Regional Trial). INFOMATRIX is an international computer project competition, created to bring the world's best IT students together. The competition is not just about promoting professional excellence – it also serves to promote intercultural dialogue and cooperation through the involvement of students and teachers from many different countries. Four representatives from the teams will represent Hong Kong in the World Finals in Romania in May.

The members of the two teams that produced the animations are:

Aeriform Touch (2010) – Chu Lai San, Lau Ho Yan, Lee Ka Yi, Cheung Sheung Yan, Cheng Wai Yan and Lau Lai Shan

Ouch Mum (2010) – Kong Lei Lei, Lau Chung Keung, Li Hok Yue and, Lau Chung Keung.

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