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HKDI Students Joined Hands with K11 to Present “Christmas Dreamland”


HKDI Students Joined Hands with K11 to Present “Christmas Dreamland”

25 Nov 2014

7 HKDI students from Department of Design Foundation Studies and Department of Communication Design and Digital Media were invited to collaborate with K11 to present “Christmas Dreamland”, featuring 12 multimedia and interactive installations for the public to enjoy an artistic and fun Christmas experience. This exhibition has incorporated various new interactive technologies that enable audience involvement. It also gives the students an opportunity to be involved in the most important holiday decoration for the shopping mall.

The preparation for “Christmas Dreamland” started in September 2014, which involves multiple rounds of selection. The K11 art team eventually selected the 12 most outstanding art pieces to be displayed on the Ground Floor, Level 1 and Level 2 of the K11 shopping mall. The exhibition allows HKDI students to unleash their talents in creative multimedia presentation and feature interactive elements, offering the audience a unique Christmas experience with a galore of surprises.

When people pass by one of the installations called “Christmas Sensation”, the balloons inside the showcase will rise and reveal a message which reads “We Sense We Understand”. It provides the audiences with a sensational experience to enjoy this joyful and warm Christmas. Another installation, “Christmas Dreamland”, presents the long-forgotten fishermen culture. It uses the fishermen’s hats to create a Christmas tree, which will illuminate when people approach it. Creator of the installation “Modern Fairy Tales Drawer” uses her illustration work to lead the audiences to read through a “tunnel of books” she created, presenting the audience with an amazing fairy tale journey. Visitors can enjoy the beauty of the world by appreciating all 12 installations, understanding the visions of HKDI students and rethink the true meanings of Christmas.

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