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“#networkedurbanism” Workshop and Seminar


“#networkedurbanism” Workshop and Seminar

1 Feb 2015

Spanish architects and Visiting Professors at the Harvard Design Graduate School, Belinda Tato and Jose Luis Vallejo delivered a master lecture at HKDI in January. Belinda and Jose also conducted the #networkedurbanism workshop, and worked with 80 HKDI students of Landscape Architecture to develop a new online platform for Hong Kong citizens, which aims to bring network-design thinking to the forefront of design discipline, and provide an alternative to the traditional approach of designing urban environments. On the last day of the workshop, Belinda and Jose created a special design installation “Local Dreams Garden” – over 600 balloons with combination of red, blue and yellow formed a long installation on HKDI's Design Boulevard. The installation is the representation of findings from the collective digital platform. A strong emphasis on communication was made to engage local communities to synthesize their ideas and proposals, avoid the use of conventional design concepts and incorporate more elements of contemporary urban culture.

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