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Creativity and panache see HKDI students sweep seven prizes in HK Fur Design Competition 2016


Creativity and panache see HKDI students sweep seven prizes in HK Fur Design Competition 2016

03 Feb 2016

Five HKDI students and graduates of the Higher Diploma in Fashion Design programme shone during Hong Kong Fur Design Competition 2016, sweeping a total of seven awards including the overall winner, the first and the second runners-up in the Full Fur Category, the championship and the first runner-up of the Fur Combination Category as well as the Commercial Award and Best Sketch Award.

The Full Fur Category Overall Winner-cum-Best Sketch awardee YAN Tsz-ching, a student of Higher Diploma in Fashion Design, created an evening parka with a voluminous bodice trimmed from rows of fox dyed in black and red, contrasting with a tapered hem created from sheared mink inlay in a net pattern. The bodice is in the form of bursting flames that embodies the essence of the fiery female spirit. A delighted Tsz-ching said that, together with what she learnt from HKDI’s design programme, including drawing, prototype making and communicating her concepts to manufacturers, the opportunity to take part in a major Hong Kong fashion design competition and actually go on to win was a huge confidence boost in terms of pursuing a fashion design career.

Meanwhile WU Suet-hin of the same programme was named the championship of the Fur Combination Category. Inspired by the beauty of coral, hers is a design interplaying the mix and match of fur and knit. Blue fox, dyed in shades of beige and white and trimmed in the style of a capelet, with gigantic plaited fox collar detail running down center-front, dramatises the stylish look. Suet-hin said HKDI’s programme on knitwear design introduced her to large knitting machines for the first time, encouraging her to master advanced knitting techniques and computer-aided design, and better equipping her for communicating her ideas to manufacturers in the future. Tsz-ching and Suet-hin are to attend a short programme at a respected fur design center in Copenhagen and tour the fashion capitals in Europe to familiarise them with the international industry.

YU Sze-ki, the Commercial Award winner, designed a mink coat made up of irregular mink strips in black, grey and white, with some stitched on only one side to create interesting three-dimensional form and movement. Judges commended his design for its compatibility with a range of different styles and outfits. For his prize, Sze-ki will attend a short programme with Studio NAFA, a fur design studio in Toronto, Canada, to gain a greater understanding of overseas fashion trends.

LEUNG Hon-chi named his work “The Life of a Storyteller”, with an exhibition house simulating settings for the children’s stories of Hans Christian Andersen. Visitors are taken back to the origin of the tales to experience them from different perspectives.   

The annual Hong Kong Fur Design Competition is organised by the Hong Kong Fur Federation with a view to providing a platform for young designers to showcase their design flair. Some 500 entries were received this year and judged on the criteria of originality, commercial value, marketability, craftsmanship, fur material use and overall design.

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