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Environmental Friendly Lighting Design by HKDI Student


Environmental Friendly Lighting Design by
HKDI Student

7 Apr 2016

Beyond the traditional lighting design and adopting the environmental technology, HKDI student, Leung Mei Yin, from Higher Diploma of Interior Design won the 1st Runner-up at the 9th Hong Kong Lighting Design Competition. The title of her lighting design All By Myself straightly highlights its key uniqueness — shining by the lamp itself without using any power. It doesn’t need any electricity power nor batteries. By burning the fuel-soaked cotton cord, sufficient heat energy can be generated to create a temperature difference, hence activating the Peltier effect to illuminate the connected LED bulb. The users can create their own design by combining each individual lamp together to form different shapes with different numbers of bulbs.

As a highlight of the Lighting Fair, the 9th Hong Kong Lighting Design Competition adopted the theme of “Mindful Minimalism”, to demonstrate the creativity and trends of the lighting industry while also rewarding outstanding local design talent. The competition was divided into Open Group and Student Group categories, attracting a total of 208 entries. Winners were selected by a judging panel, which evaluated originality & creativity, practicability, aesthetics and marketability.

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