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HKDI Students Won Awards at Social Innovation Inventor (SII) Competition


HKDI Students Won Awards at Social Innovation Inventor (SII) Competition

30 June 2016

Two groups of HKDI Architectural Design students swept the champion and the First Runner-up of Tertiary Group at the Social Innovation Inventor (SII) – Competition for Innovative Design, which is co-orgainsed by the World Green Organisation and the Charles K. Kao Foundation for Alzheimer’s Disease. This competition aims to bring the positive impacts to dementia sufferers and their caregivers through innovative improvements. It also hopes to raise awareness on dementia among new generations and facilitate integration between the youth and the elderly.

This year, it attracted 150 teams to join the competition. Three HKDI students from Architectural Design, Liu Ka Ming, Wong Pui Kin and Cheng Chin Pang, won the champion with their design titled Farming Relationship. It is a resort integrated with farm and nature, providing a space for people to cultivate with their families. During the process, people can understand more about the daily needs of aging members, especially those with Alzheimer's disease. The champion team will have an opportunity to go to Taiwan to broaden their horizons on green innovation design.

The First Runner-up award went to another three HKDI students of the same programme, who are Poon Wing Man, Leung Ngan Fong and Wong Hiu Ying. Inspired by nature fusion and humanism, their winning piece titled Forest House is a hostel not only to suit the users’ needs, but also providing an environment for them to enjoy the valleys, flowers, grass and singing of animals. They wish that it can enhance the warmth among the family members and help them to develop more memorable scenes in this beautiful and tree-lined hostel.

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