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The Furniture Show 2017 @ HomeSquare


The Furniture Show 2017 @ HomeSquare

30 August to 22 September, 2017

The Furniture Show 2017 @ HomeSquare features projects from HKDI students of Higher Diploma in Furniture and Lifestyle Product Design. It challenges the limitation in furniture design industry by exploring human behaviors and social needs. Students start their projects with concerns, researches, and studies on four main areas, including interpersonal communication, tiny urban space, cultural integration, and better living.

Passing On designed by Wong Kei To is an art chair inspired by family heirlooms to symbolize the bonding of hearts and passing down of family values to next generations. Beyond the traditional style, Bondary Sofa designed by Li Yi Wah aims to advocate and encourage more interaction among cognates with the unique open mouth design. Another student Maxime Lai designed a special public bench with two layers, which can facilitate the interaction between parents and kids. Some interesting furniture targets pet lovers, for example the wall shelf in ribbon shape. Those students were so excited to turn their mini-model to the real furniture in actual size with the help of the factories. It was really a valuable practical experience for them to learn how to communicate well with the factories.

Apart from visiting the exhibition, the public can vote for their favourite design on the Event Facebook Page during the exhibition period and have an opportunity to win a gift from HomeSquare. (Facebook Page for Vote

Details of The Furniture Show 2017 @ HomeSquare
Date: 30 August to 22 September 2017
Venue: HomeSquare, Shatin

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