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Revive Wastes Values - “See invisible - Look beyond!!”

Campus Events

Revive Wastes Values -
“See invisible - Look beyond!!”

Speaker: Anshu GUPTA
Founder+Director of GOONJ (New Delhi),
popularly known as “The Clothing Man”

Anshu’s idea is to use Urban wastage as Rural resource. He is recycling clothes and other under-utilized material from cities to villages, creating a mass civic participation movement. Anshu’s efforts have earned him national and international acclaim. His list of awards includes: Innovation for India Award (2010), India NGO of the Year Award (2008), CNN-IBN Real Hero’s Award (2009), and Development Market Place Award from the World Bank (2007), among others.


Date: 25 Januray 2013 (Fri)
Time: 2pm
Venue: C002, HKDI & IVE (Lee Wai Lee)

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