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Design Dialogue: Hong Kong Culture 2013 - Feb Seminars

Campus Events

Design Dialogue: Hong Kong Culture 2013 - Feb Seminars

A series of 10 seminars that features 11 creative minds of Hong Kong to share the inspiration behind their international success.

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1 Feb 2013
Is Architecture an Art?
Speaker: Rocco Yim

Venue: VTC Auditorium
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm

22 Feb 2013
Revisiting "Oriental Passion Western Harmony"
Speaker: Alan Chan

Being a designer, brand consultant and artist, Alan Chan and his company have won more than 600 local and international awards during his 42 years in advertising and design.

With his in-depth understanding of the aesthetics of tradition and modernity, Alan successfully captures the spirit of the Oriental and the Western culture and has developed his very own design philosophy.

In this seminar, through a timeline of his design journey, Alan will share his 40 years’ experience of breaking the ice between the East and the West.

Venue: VTC Auditorium
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm

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