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Design Dialogue: Hong Kong Culture 2013 - Mar Seminar

Campus Events

Design Dialogue: Hong Kong Culture 2013 - Mar Seminar

A series of 10 seminars that features 11 creative minds of Hong Kong to share the inspiration behind their international success.

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22 Mar 2013
The Art of Backward Thinking
Speaker: Koyo William

Koyo William is the founder and Creative Director of KOYO, which specialises in customising bespoke clothes for celebrities and providing stage and concert-related fashion styling services. He gains high esteem by famous actors and musicians for his exceptional design and creativity, making KOYO a highly sought after fashion brand in both fashion and performance scenes.

In this seminar, he will share the philosophy of "Destroy and Reborn" and how the "backward thinking" contributes to his business success.

Venue: VTC Auditorium
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm

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