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Self-Reflection / City Exploration

Campus Events

Self-Reflection / City Exploration

Architectural Design and Landscape Architecture Lecture Series - Spring 2013

Speaker: Pak Sheung Chuen

As one of the most promising conceptual and performance artists in Hong Kong, Pak Sheung Chuen works with various medium and has participated in numerous international exhibitions. Pak represented Hong Kong in the 53rd Venice Biennale in 2009 and was awarded Best Artist Award in the Contemporary Chinese Art Awards (CCAA) in 2012.

In this lecture, Pak will share the conceptual thinking behind his artistic expression and how his art practice works to assume new meanings to everyday life. Drawing examples from Pak’s conceptual works, the audience will explore with him the cityscape of Hong Kong and other cities through observations of daily trivial matters.

Date: 15 April 2013 (Monday)
Time: 6:30pm
Venue: Experience Centre (C002), HKDI & IVE (Lee Wai Lee)


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