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Successful Branding Journey

Campus Events

Successful Branding Journey

A series of master branding seminars revealed secrets behind successful brands, the pitfalls to avoid, strategy and insights on designing, building and leveraging brands not only grow locally but reach overseas shores. These seminars are mainly for professionals and industry practitioners. The speakers of the first seminar are Michael Young, a leading international industrial designer engaging in interior, industrial and furniture design and Lu Lu Cheung, a fashion talent well-known for her subdued, feminine collections. They will share their successes in creating and launching their own brands in Hong Kong and international markets, as well as the challenges encountered as entrepreneurs.

Date: 14 Mar 2014
Venue: Lecture Theatre A001, HKDI
Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm

About the speakers »

Seminar will be in Cantonese, simultaneous interpretation not provided

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Organiser: HKDI & IVE (Lee Wai Lee) External Affaris Office and PEEC (Professional Education & Engagement Centre)

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