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Emerging Design Talents 2014: New Voices

Campus Events

Emerging Design Talents 2014: New Voices

Date: 19 June - 28 June 2014 (Daily)
Time: 10:00am - 8:00pm
Venue: Design Boulevard, HKDI and IVE (Lee Wai Lee)

An event that gathers Hong Kong's design industry players, HKDI and IVE alumni and students, and the general public, Emerging Design Talents 2014: New Voices is a platform for our young creative talents to express their creative minds and demonstrate their outstanding skills. It is also an annual event which engages the participation of the general public and local industry through Design. A fine selection of student works from various design disciplines will be showcased, which include Advertising Design, Creative Media, Digital Music & Media, Film & TV, Publication Design & Print Media, Visual Communication, Fashion Design, Image Design, Architectural Design, Landscape Architecture, Product Design, Exhibition Design, Interior Design, Visual Arts and Culture, Multimedia and Internet Technology and other disciplines.

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Media Coverage
2014-07-07 (Interview of Winning Students at New Fashion Force)
2014-06-27 Sky Post
2014-06-26 Wen Wei Po
2014-06-19 Oriental Daily
2014-06-19 Sing Tao Daily
2014-06-19 Ta Kung Pao

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