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Master Lecture Series - Photographing the Sinophone Communities in Southeast Asia

Campus Events

Master Lecture Series - Photographing the Sinophone Communities in Southeast Asia

Speaker: Zhuang Wubin

For the last decade, Zhuang Wubin (b. 1978, Singapore) has been using photography and text to visualize and aestheticize the experiences of the Chinese communities across Southeast Asia. Despite the re-emergence of China as a political power, Zhuang's documenting practice should not be misconstrued as an attempt at Chinese triumphalism. Instead, his ongoing work unravels the unmistakable trend of how Chinese arrivals in the past have tried to localize in Southeast Asia, fashioning identities that differ from people in their ancestral lands today. He will share some of his projects in this talk.

For any enquiries, please contact Sam Cheng at 3928 2950 /

Date: 22 April 2016
Time: 5:30pm-7:00pm
Venue: LW003
Language: English (simultaneous interpretation not provided)

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“Photography and Chance Connections” Seminar and Exhibition Tour by Leong Ka Tai